Monday, 1 January 2024

Resolute Towards Resolutions

When the new year is around the corner, many among us would get excited and electrified not just because it is yet another new day that is waiting to dawn. But more importantly, we would seem to have an illusionary spring upon our feet to jump out of our bed with many resolutions for the New Year. These resolutions all of a sudden appear into our minds and would keep us engaged into making the ‘how of it?’ possible to be adopted.

Whether, these resolutions actually do make a meaningful difference to us, or do they just remain as a mirage that evaporates when the heat turns on is a million dollar question. It perhaps would be fitting to go beyond the thin screen to have a look into the making of the resolutions and impact that they have on our lives.

One of the best ways to have a closer look at our resolutions is from the stand point view as to how they were thought off in the first case. Was it developed with a reflection within the personality as a course correction method to work on the work-life balance? or was it developed to compete with someone whom we envy around in our social and professional connect? It must be understood that when resolutions emerge as part of a process of our self reflection, they are most likely to have a positive impact on our personality and influence our actions towards accomplishing them.

Now with the reason being established behind our resolutions, the more pertinent aspect would be to know if they can actually stand the course of time to bring a desired positive outcome. For any reasonable progress to take place to work on resolutions there must be a strong quotient of ‘resoluteness’, to get that practiced and imbibed into the daily frame of our lifestyle with consistency and determination. It is not just to be a knee jerk reaction to surface for a few days and then silently disappear from the daily routine.

Resolutions are life goals split in small measure of milestones. As you travel the distance and keep on progressing going beyond each milestone, you will finally reach the desired destination.

  • There are a few basic elements that are fundamental to accomplish this effectively:
  •  Fix the resolutions that are linked with your own reflection and not copy from others.
  • Be practical in limiting the resolutions to an achievable level and not compile a huge list.
  •  Allocate a time and targeted response schedule for practicing whatever you outline
  • Stay focused from distractions and time wasters in the productive hours of the day.
  • Be patient and consistent with your efforts and do not jump to have instant success.
  • Do travel alone on the path to accomplish your resolutions, as group work will not help.

Resolutions with being resolute lead you nowhere!


Nicholas Francis