The harvest festival of Pongal is
always a time to celebrate all across Tamil Nadu wherein the festivities
attached to the glorious occasion transcends religion, caste and creed.
Everyone will be in a joyous mood to pay their thanksgiving to the farmers; the
bulls and reserve a day to meet with close ones. The city will practically be
closed for three days - a sort of ‘standstill’, since all will go to their
respective villages to celebrate Pongal with their family members, courtesy the
benefit of extended holidays for all.
This year also it was a standstill,
not just an ordinary sense. It will
probably go deep down in the history of the nation, as the entire Tamil fraternity
stood up for restoring their traditional game of ‘Jalikattu’, without which the
festival of Pongal has no real significance.
The silent storm of the student community raised their protest in
Alanganallur initially, which snowballed into an unprecedented large scale
protest by the entire society all across the state with a sea of humanity
standing behind the students and the youth in their fight for Jallikattu.
Social Action of a New Order:
The protest that shook the state
of Tamilnadu sent vibrations all across the Tamil speaking community even
beyond our country, which resulted in a very positive support from one and all.
It was no different in Madurai, which was the spark that resulted in a fire of
protest to spread to all corners within no time. The magnetic force that the
students managed to generate out of their network and steadfast commitment to
stand united till concrete action was seen in black and white was the hallmark
of the protest. I must confess this magnetic force could never leave me alone,
as I was emotionally bonded with the students for their honest and clear
commitment to have their tradition preserved.

As a Social Work Professional, I
was oriented to the concept of ‘Social Action’, but honestly what I witnessed
in Madurai was something beyond the text book and average practice methods. It
was a Social Action of a New Order, which was definitely once in a lifetime
chance to witness such a huge response to a voluntary call for protest that was
totally self driven without affiliation to any association, caste or religious
groups or political parties. It was of the Students, by the students and the
youth, for the Society.

Human Thunder at Thamukam:
The larger than life size protest
was unfolding at Thamukkam, the arterial road in the city which is synonymous
with many political and social occurrences of the past. I was thrilled to be
admist a sea of Humanity with their vociferous slogans, songs and anthems that
captured the attention of the protesters. It was no ordinary protest and it
needed a super human effort larger than the self to keep the spirits of the
volunteers sustained to be heard. Every one synchronized their shouts to form a
human thunder at Thamukkam and we could feel the air reverberating with shouts
of solidarity that was intended to reach the persons who mattered most to bring
back Jallikattu to them.
It was heartbreaking to hear loud
shouts from the protesters who never cared for their vocal chords, but wanted
to have their traditional umbilical cord preserved with the following slogans …“Meesiya
Murku da……Peta vai Viratu da”; “Jal …Jal Jalikattu – Vaa Vaa Mallukattu”; “Tamilan
Da…Thanmana Singamada”; “Thadai Sei….Thadai Sei….Peta vai Thadai Sei”; “Vaadi
Vasal Thiranthal than….Nangal Veedu Vaasal Poovom”.
The entire place resembled like a
new community of likeminded people who never wanted a home to sleep, nor their
own favourite food to eat or the best costume to dress. All were sitting on the
road, which they would have never imagined even in their wildest dream. But all
this suffering and sacrifice was for a social cause, only that was utmost in
their minds. I could not only see Students, it was filled with ladies, many
with their entire family members, youth, working professionals, media persons,
radio jockeys, rotary members, traders,
hawkers, businessmen, educationists, folk artists, musicians and every possible
vocation on earth. What was striking was the participation of children even
during the nights.

I was admiring a young husband and
wife who prepared ‘sukku malli coffee’ and served it hot for the cheer leaders
so that they could thunder with power. With every passing minute the night
seemed to be long and sweet, no one felt a trace of sleep …..May be because the
Thunder at Thamukkam was growing bigger and louder.
Taking on a speeding Train:
The protest at Madurai reached a different level hitting the national headlines, when the youth in Sellur braved themselves to run on the railway track on the bridge of river Vaigai to stop the Coimbatore – Madurai Passenger on its tracks bringing the entire southern railway operations to a grinding halt.
I have lived in the railway colony
and I know pretty well what it takes to stop a train, and what would be the
impact of such an eventuality on the status of the Indian Railway network. The
protesters wanted to intensify their stir by hitting the national headlines,
which they successfully did. Along with the youth, it were the women around
that area who bravely ran on the tracks to stop the train, naturally the videos
of the train stoppage went viral. The news of the stoppage of the train in
Madurai spread like wild fire and many more incidents followed suit all across
the state.
I was particular to visit the spot
and take some photos, so I took on a difficult route to reach the river Vaigai
along with my friend SR.Kannan around 2.00am early on Friday morning 19th
Jan 2017. It was a sight to behold , since I found teenagers and youth all over
the railway tracks sleeping across it boldly and seated all over the engine,
which was running till then, hoping that it would be released soon. But that
was never to happen, since it remained stopped for five days, something which
has never happened before in any part of India.
The train stoppage was a severe blow
to the administrators, as they found now way to negotiate with the protesters
to end the real life drama on the tracks and to rescue the train. Consequently
Madurai remained cut off from the Rail network of the Nation. The commitment of
the Youth in wanting to see a tangible and dependable solution for their
protest was very evident with them only relenting to release the train on
Monday, still with much resistance and a mild latti charge down the river.
Resoluteness even in Rains:
The high impact night for me
personally was Saturday night when the crowd grew stringer and bolder, even to
the extent of braving the rains. It was raining cats and dogs at Thamukkam, and
there no signs of withdrawal of the protest. The people were literally drenched
and had no change over clothes, nor any towel to wipe them dry. I guess they
preferred to remain wet and shiver in the rains, so that the news of their
sufferings could send shivers down to the state, which it eventually did.
The significance of this whole protest
was the art of managing any situation with the available resource by the
students and youth, ably supported by generous people. Huge flex banners were
brought to the ground and the youth held them over the heads, while the ladies
who were seated beneath it switched on their mobile phones to keep the place
illuminated. This certainly brought not only relief to the suffering students,
but honestly tears to my eyes. I mean it!
Imagine the parents who get over
protective when their children, particularly young ones gets wet in the rains
and comes home drenched. The immediate response would be to wipe them dry and
change their clothes so that they are not affected by the rains. It does not
stop there; they are then cuddled in a warm blanket and offered some warm food
to eat, to keep them warm.

Memories for Eternity:
The show of strength as one may be
free to call, the protest by the students, independent of any affiliation would
definitely be written in ‘Golden Letters with Bold Fonts’ in the history book
of Tamilnadu, if not for the entire nation.
No one can fancy the fact that thousands
of young people in vulnerable age groups with volatile emotions can be grafted
for an ethically and morally well sounded protest, displaying a high degree of
self control of social behavior. The manner in which they managed to draw in
common people of all segments was the standout highlight, more importantly they
never let anyone take advantage of their power till they had their way in
getting an ordinance passed revoking the traditional sport of Jalikattu.
I am sure when the youth of the
present generation teach their children about history of Jalikattu or that of
Social Action, they would hold their heads high and say with pride..”I was part
of that”. I will not hold myself for any consideration in saying with
contentment, that “I too was part of it”, as I would be one among the fortunate
and lucky ones to have witnessed history in its making.
These three days refuse to fade
away from my memory, and I will seriously not try, even to a very tiny extent
to forget it…..could I?
Nicholas Francis